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Issue - meetings

Options Analysis Report for the re-procurement of the Highway Works and Services Term Contract

Meeting: 19/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Options Analysis Report for the re-procurement of the Highway Works and Services Term Contract pdf icon PDF 118 KB

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RESOLVED That Cabinet:


1.         Note the contents of this report.

2.         Agree a two-year extension to the current Highway Works and Services Term Contract with FM Conway, as the most economically advantageous option to continue to deliver planned and reactive highway works from 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2019.


The Cabinet Member for Environment, Regeneration and Housing introduced this report, which sought agreement to extend the current Highway Works and Services contract with FM Conway, a contract which has run for 37 years to date.  The Director of Environment and Regeneration noted that pre-decision scrutiny had taken place and the Panel were supportive of an extension of the contract.


RESOLVED:  That Cabinet


1.         Note the contents of this report.

2.         Agree a two-year extension to the current Highway Works and Services Term Contract with FM Conway, as the most economically advantageous option to continue to deliver planned and reactive highway works from 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2019.