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Issue - meetings

Estates Local Plan - Submission to Secretary of State

Meeting: 14/11/2016 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Estates Local Plan - Submission to Secretary of State pdf icon PDF 241 KB

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RESOLVED That Cabinet recommend that Council agree:


A.           To publish the Estates Local Plan and associated sustainability appraisal for comments followed by submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government


B.           To delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Housing to approve any amendments to the Estates Local Plan and sustainability appraisal that may arise from 24 November 2016 until the receipt of the Planning Inspector’s final report, to approve consultation documents or officer’s responses to comments received at the pre-submission consultation and during the examination process.


C.           To note the continued progress in the delivery of the borough’s regeneration by this decision which moves forward the renewal of three of the borough’s estates as a comprehensive programme to build new homes and enhance the housing available to residents


D.           To note the progress of financial negotiations regarding the Stock Transfer Agreement and associated documents with Circle Merton Priory Homes or any successor organisation


E.           To delegate variations to the Stock Transfer Agreement to the Directors of Environment & Regeneration, Community & Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member, and


F.            To note that there will be a further report to councillors in March 2017 confirming the anticipated viability of the overall project prior to the final submission to the Secretary of State.


G.           As resolved by the Borough Plan Advisory Committee, that the council has had regard to the Self Build Register when developing the Estates Local Plan and that the council should not allocate specific sites for self build and custom housebuilding in the Estates Local Plan in order to prioritise rehousing residents who are already living on the three estates in new homes built to modern standards and to progress a viable regeneration project.



The Cabinet Member for Environment, Regeneration and Housing introduced the report, and gave details of the timetable for the approval of the Plan.  He formally noted thanks to all officers from LB Merton and from Circle Merton Priory Homes for their hard work on the Estates Plan.


The Cabinet Member for Environment, Regeneration and Housing acknowledged comments made from Cabinet Members regarding the need to address tenants’ concerns about the repairs and maintenance service, and the lack of affordable housing in the borough and in London.


RESOLVED That Cabinet recommend that Council agree:


A.           To publish the Estates Local Plan and associated sustainability appraisal for comments followed by submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government


B.           To delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Housing to approve any amendments to the Estates Local Plan and sustainability appraisal that may arise from 24 November 2016 until the receipt of the Planning Inspector’s final report, to approve consultation documents or officer’s responses to comments received at the pre-submission consultation and during the examination process.


C.           To note the continued progress in the delivery of the borough’s regeneration by this decision which moves forward the renewal of three of the borough’s estates as a comprehensive programme to build new homes and enhance the housing available to residents


D.           To note the progress of financial negotiations regarding the Stock Transfer Agreement and associated documents with Circle Merton Priory Homes or any successor organisation


E.           To delegate variations to the Stock Transfer Agreement to the Directors of Environment & Regeneration, Community & Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member, and


F.            To note that there will be a further report to councillors in March 2017 confirming the anticipated viability of the overall project prior to the final submission to the Secretary of State.


G.           As resolved by the Borough Plan Advisory Committee, that the council has had regard to the Self Build Register when developing the Estates Local Plan and that the council should not allocate specific sites for self build and custom housebuilding in the Estates Local Plan in order to prioritise rehousing residents who are already living on the three estates in new homes built to modern standards and to progress a viable regeneration project.