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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council chamber - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions

Contact: Amy Dumitrescu, Democracy Services Manager, Email: 

Link: View the meeting live here

No. Item


Apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Apologies for lateness were received from Councillor Skeete.


Councillor Johnston attended the meeting remotely.


Declarations of Pecuniary Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the previous meetings pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To approve the minutes of the Special Council Meeting and the ordinary Council meeting held on 13 September 2023.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the ordinary and the special meeting held on 13 September 2023 are agreed as an accurate record.


Announcements by the Mayor, Leader of the Council and Chief Executive


The Leader spoke to welcome the Merton Youth Parliament who were observing the meeting and then provided updates on His Royal Highness King Charles III 75th Birthday, Remembrance weekend, Galpins Road, the Study Prep School and the Borough of Sport.


There were no announcements from the Chief Executive.


The Mayor provided an update on their recent and upcoming events and activities.


Public questions to cabinet members pdf icon PDF 894 KB

The questions and written responses will be circulated at the meeting.


The responses to the written public questions were circulated prior to the meeting.  The Mayor then invited each of the questioners in turn to ask (if they wished) a further question to the Cabinet Member.  A copy of the supplementary questions and responses will be included in the ‘public questions to Cabinet Members’ published document.


Councillors' ordinary priority questions to cabinet members pdf icon PDF 77 KB

The questions and written responses will be circulated at the meeting


The responses to the written member ordinary priority questions were circulated prior to the meeting.  The Mayor then invited each of the members in turn to ask (if they wished) a further question to the Cabinet Member.  A copy of the supplementary questions and responses will be included in the ‘member ordinary priority questions to Cabinet Members’ published document.



Strategic theme: Main report pdf icon PDF 289 KB


The Strategic Theme report on Borough of Sport was moved by Councillor Cooper-Marbiah and seconded by Councillor McCabe.


The Liberal Democrat amendment as set out in agenda item 17 was moved by Councillor Wilson and seconded by Councillor Willis.


The two Conservative amendments as set out in agenda item 17 were moved by Councillor Paterson and seconded by Councillor Cox.


Councillor Kohler also spoke on the item.


The Liberal Democrat amendment was put to the vote and fell: Votes For – 26, Against – 29, Abstentions – 1.


The Conservative amendment 1 was put to the vote and fell: Votes For – 26, Against – 29, Abstentions – 1.


The Conservative amendment 2 was put to the vote and fell: Votes For – 26, Against – 29, Abstentions – 1.


RESOLVED:  That the Strategic Theme report is agreed.


Strategic theme: Councillors' questions to cabinet members

The questions and written responses will be circulated at the meeting.


The responses to the written member strategic theme priority questions were circulated prior to the meeting.  The Mayor then invited each of the members in turn to ask (if they wished) a further question to the Cabinet Member.  A copy of the supplementary questions and responses will be included in the ‘member strategic theme priority questions to Cabinet Members’ published document.


It was also noted that a copy of the remaining Member questions and responses will be published after the meeting, in line with Constitutional requirements.



Strategic theme: motions pdf icon PDF 48 KB


The motion was moved by Councillor Gould and seconded by Councillor Galea.


Councillor McCabe also spoke on the item.


The motion was then put to a vote and fell – votes in favour: 24, votes against: 31, abstentions: 1.




Report from Community Forum: Raynes Park 19 September 2023

A verbal update to be provided at the meeting.


Councillor Willis presented an update which was received by the Council.


Report from Community Forum: Wimbledon 20 September 2023

A verbal update to be provided at the meeting.


Councillor Kohler presented an update which was received by the Council.



Report from Community Forum: Mitcham 5 October 2023

A verbal update to be provided at the meeting.


Councillor Mundy presented an update which was received by the Council.



Report from Community Forum: Morden 18 October 2023

A verbal update to be provided at the meeting.


Councillor Charles presented an update which was received by the Council.



Notices of motion

There have been no motions submitted to this meeting.


No motions were submitted to this meeting.


Revision of senior pay structure and organisational pay and grading structure review pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Additional documents:


The report was moved by Councillor Christie and formally seconded by Councillor Garrod.


Councillor Fairclough also spoke on the item.




(A) That Full Council approved the following recommendations from the Appointments Committee:


(I)           The first tranche of the wider organisational pay and grading review, namely proposed revisions to the senior pay structure and salary levels for Tier 1 (Executive Director), Tier 2 (present Assistant Director) and Tier 3 (Head of Service) posts, to take effect from 1 April 2024, in so far as it relates to those roles where the revised salary range exceeds £100k per annum.

(II)          To delegate authority to the relevant Executive Directors to recruit to vacant senior roles given that at least some element of the salary range for each of these roles is expected to exceed £100k per annum.


Changes to membership of committees and related matters pdf icon PDF 69 KB


The report was formally moved by Councillor Bhim and formally seconded by Councillor Stringer.




That the Council:


1. Noted the changes to the membership of Committees that were approved under delegated authority since the last meeting of the Council.

2. That Council approved the changes requested by the Conservative group as detailed at 2.2 of the report.


Petitions pdf icon PDF 79 KB


The report was moved by Councillor Garrod and seconded by Councillor Stringer.




That Council


1.     Noted the update on the petition received at the last meeting,


2.     Accepts receipt of a petition presented by Councillors Hall, Reiss and MacArthur stating “We the undersigned demand that Merton Council enforce the legal covenants agreed to by AELTC and Merton Council to keep their promises to the people of Wimbledon”.



Business for the next ordinary meeting of the Council


That the Strategic Theme for the next ordinary meeting of the Council, being held on 7 February 2024, shall be Building a Sustainable Future.


Non-priority Questions to Cabinet Members and Replies pdf icon PDF 148 KB


All Public and Member Questions, Supplementaries and Replies pdf icon PDF 971 KB