Merton Council

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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council chamber - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions

Contact: Amy Dumitrescu, Democracy Services Manager, Email: 

Link: View the meeting here

No. Item


Apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Councillor Johnston attended the meeting remotely.


Declarations of Pecuniary Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Request to hold an extraordinary meeting of the Council under Part 4A, section 3.1(c) of the Council's Constitution pdf icon PDF 3 MB

A formal request has been received by the Mayor to call an extraordinary meeting of the Council under Part 4A, section 3.1(c) of the Council’s Constitution signed by the following Members:


Cllr Paul Kohler 

Cllr Simon McGrath 

Cllr Samantha MacArthur

Cllr Tony Reiss

Cllr Jil Hall


In accordance with the Constitution, the extraordinary meeting will consider the following single item of business:


“The Covenants agreed between the Council and the AELTC when the freehold of the Wimbledon Park Golf course site was sold to the AELTC in 1993”.



The report was moved by Councillor Christie and seconded by Councillor Judge.


The Conservative amendment as set out in agenda item 5 was moved by Councillor Austin and seconded by Councillor Barlow.


The Liberal Democrat amendment as set out in agenda item 5 was moved by Councillor MacArthur and seconded by Councillor Fairclough.


Councillor Hall and Councillor Kohler also spoke on the item.


As six members of the Council requested that a recorded vote be taken on the vote on the Liberal Democrat amendment, a roll call was taken and the votes were as follows:


Votes in Favour (25): Councillors Austin, Barlow, Bokhari, Braithwaite, Cox, Dresselaers, Fairclough, Flack, Foley, Galea, Gould, Hall, Hicks, Holden, Howard, Kohler, MacArthur, McGrath, McLean, Oliver, Page, Paterson, Reiss, Willis and Wilson.


Votes Against (29): Akyigyina, Councillors Alambritis, Attawar, Bhim, Brunt, Butcher, Charles, Christie, Cooper-Marbiah, Dollimore, Fraser, Garrod, Hayes, Henry, Irons, Judge, Kaweesa, Kenny, Kirby, Macauley, McCabe, Mundy, Neaverson, Pearce, Skeete, Stringer, Szczepanski, Williscroft and the Deputy Mayor Councillor Whelton.


Abstentions (2): Councillor Mercer and the Mayor Councillor Manly.


As six members of the Council requested that a recorded vote be taken on the vote on the Conservative amendment, a roll call was taken and the votes were as follows:


Votes in Favour (25): Councillors Austin, Barlow, Bokhari, Braithwaite, Cox, Dresselaers, Fairclough, Flack, Foley, Galea, Gould, Hall, Hicks, Holden, Howard, Kohler, MacArthur, McGrath, McLean, Oliver, Page, Paterson, Reiss, Willis and Wilson.


Votes Against (29): Akyigyina, Councillors Alambritis, Attawar, Bhim, Brunt, Butcher, Charles, Christie, Cooper-Marbiah, Dollimore, Fraser, Garrod, Hayes, Henry, Irons, Judge, Kaweesa, Kenny, Kirby, Macauley, McCabe, Mundy, Neaverson, Pearce, Skeete, Stringer, Szczepanski, Williscroft and the Deputy Mayor Councillor Whelton.


Abstentions (2): Councillor Mercer and the Mayor Councillor Manly.


The report was then put to the vote and carried: Votes For – 29, Against – 25, Abstentions – 2.




A. That Council noted the contents of the report.