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Agenda item

Business Plan Update 2019-23


The Director of Corporate Services gave an overview of the report highlighting that it includes proposals totalling £9.7 million. There is predicted to be a budget gap of £8.8 million by 2022-2023.


A panel member expressed concern about the number of reviews taking place in regards to the budget proposals and the time available to scrutinise them.

The Director of Corporate Services said the scrutiny panel budget meetings in November and January provide an opportunity to review budget proposals.


CH88 Homecare Monitoring System – Panel members queried what savings will be made from the call monitoring system. The Director of Community and Housing said the equipment monitors the length of time a carer is in the clients’ home, so the council only pays while the carer is in the property. Further savings will be realised when the system is rolled out to all Providers as we only pay for the care given. This proposal is positive for residents as it ensures that the care commissioned is provided at the times agreed with the customer and their care and support needs are met.


CH89 Older People Day Activities – The Assistant Director of Social Care reported that there are two day centres for older people in Merton. One is council run and the other is commissioned by Merton. Both are running with approximately a third in capacity. Merton also has over 20 lunch/social clubs run by the voluntary sector providing over 760 lunches per week and these are thriving and very well regarded by the public.  The Director of Community and Housing said the department will review the current local offer and determine the menu of options that will meet the needs of the community.


Councillor Crowe said the Panel may wish to take a view on a preferred option. Some Panel members wanted to wait for the outcomes of the review. A panel member said that both day centres are valued by the community and should remain open.


Councillor Crowe proposed a motion that the department retain one of the day centres. This was seconded by Councillor Andrew Howard.


Councillors Stephen Crowe and Andrew Howard voted in favour of the motion

Councillors Peter McCabe, Joan Henry, Sally Kenny,Dave Ward, Hina Bokhari voted against the motion.

The motion was denied.


CH90 Out of Area Placements - Panel members asked for further details on the savings proposal. The Director of Community and Housing reported that reviews will be completed for each individual on a person by person basis based on their individual care needs to see if care can be provided locally and that people can be closer to their family and local communities.  This leads to a better outcome for the individual as they will be closer to friends and family. Providing care locally can also provide financial savings to the council.


Panel members sought reassurance that the individuals would still be cared for and asked if will there need to be an investment in local providers. The Director of Community and Housing reported that this group are already receiving care and support, their placements will be reviewed with a view to finding opportunities to bring them closer to home. There is already provision in borough such as shared lives and supported living who currently support those with a low level of need.




A panel member asked if the council is reducing the budget to Merton Centre for Independent Living.  The Director of Corporate Services reported that there will not be a reduction in the Strategic Grants budget but the organisations who receive the funding may change, as these are currently being recommissioned. The council is working with MVSC to determine the criteria.


The Chair said it would be not appropriate to comment further given that a competitive process will take place.




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