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Agenda item

115 Graham Road, Wimbledon, SW19 3SP

Application number:    20/P1275


Ward:  Dundonald


Recommendation:  Grant planning permission subject to a S106 agreement and conditions


RESOLVED that application number 20/P1275 be GRANTED planning permission subject to a S106 agreement and conditions.


Proposal: Erection of an additional storey and creation of 2 x 1 bedroom flats.


The Committee noted the report and presentation of the Planning officer, and the modifications contained in the supplementary agenda.


One local resident had registered to speak, and at the invitation of the Chair raised a number of points including the following:

·         The bulk and mass of the proposal were the basis on which the last site application were refused, and it was unclear why the current application should be granted

·         The proposals for the garden bin and cycle storage would significantly reduce the outdoor space, negatively impacting the communal area for children, not leave enough manoeuvre space for residents’ cars or visitor parking, and deny 75% of the occupancy of access to the gardens.

·         The proposal for flat 8 did not meet the national standard for gross internal area.


The applicant’s agent had also registered to speak, and at the invitation of the Chair, raised a number of points including that the proposals had taken on board the feedback and objections from the 2019 site application to provide a higher quality scheme.


In response to questions from the Committee the planning officer confirmed that Flat 8 fell short of the floor space requirement by 2 metres, but the Committee would have to consider whether this was enough to consider refusal. Similarly, the outdoor space was understood to be tarmac rather than a communal space, and the impact on the space was not consider enough to recommend refusal. The officer also acknowledged that the proposed gardens would only benefit the two ground floor flats.


Further to concerns that the proposed flat 8 failed to meet the minimum required floor space, a motion to refuse the application on this basis was moved and seconded, but lost when put to the vote.


The Chair then moved to vote on the officer recommendation and it was:


RESOLVED that application number 20/P1275 be GRANTED planning permission subject to a S106 agreement and conditions.

Supporting documents: