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Agenda item

64-76 Kingston Road, Wimbledon, SW19 1LA

Application number:    19/P2120

Ward:  Abbey


Recommendation: Grant planning permission subject to conditions and S106 agreement.


RESOLVED that application number 19/P2120 be GRANTED planning permission subject to conditions and S106 agreement.


Proposal: Restoration and extensions to the existing manor house building (including basement extension) at No.76, and redevelopment of the adjoining site at No.64 - 68 with the erection of a new four storey residential block (plus additional basement level) creating a total of 26 x selfcontained flats (7 x 3 bed, 4 x 2 bed 15 x 1 bed units).


The Committee noted the report and presentation of the Planning officer, and the modifications contained in the supplementary agenda.


At the invitation of the Chair one registered speaker addressed the Committee and made a number of points including the following:

·         Development of the historic building was welcomed, but 11 units on this site is overdevelopment

·         Extensive digging and development on the basement flat had already gone ahead of the application, and response from the enforcement officer regarding this was still being awaited.

·         Block B undermined the whole application as it is out of scale and the design created a negative anomaly. At the very least, the black windows and roof should be changed so that they are not so oppressive.

·         The design should incorporate the applicant’s initial plans which included bay windows and pitch roofs which would go well with the more traditional adjacent manor house and church, and other buildings on Kingston Road

·         The application was not considered by the Design Review Panel.


At the invitation of the Chair, the applicant’s representative addressed the Committee and raised a number of points including:

·         The current application was a result of several revisions in consultation with planning officers

·         With regard to the original design for Block B with more traditional elements, this had also been changed in consultation with the planning officers

·         The proposal makes efficient use of brownfield land and contains 26 residential flats which contributes to the council’s housing provision, and will be secured by a S106 agreement which includes a review mechanism  to ensure the correct amount of affordable housing

·         The building was in a state of disrepair and the applicant explained to the council that supportive and restorative work in the foundations to ensure it does not deteriorate any further.


A written speech from Councillor Nigel Benbow was read out to the Committee noting that the proposals to restore the original building and convert to flats were welcome, but there were concerns regarding the Block B erection of a new 4 storey level including basement, namely it was too big and out of character with the Old Merton Park area which has a number of old historic buildings. The speech also said the Black B proposal would vastly alter the appearance of Kingston Road due to its height and size, and that it should be redesigned to fit in with the area.


Further to questions from the Committee, the Planning officer confirmed the following:

·         The application was a medium sized proposal and therefore not considered necessary to be considered by the Design Review Panel

·         Seven units, or 27% of the total number would be affordable housing; although this is short of the policy requirement, it was subject to a viability review.


Further to concerns raised during the debate regarding the proposal, and in particular the old manor club, failing to respect the character of the surrounding Old Merton Area, a motion to refuse the application on this basis was moved and seconded, but lost when put to the vote.


The Chair then moved to vote on the officer recommendation and it was:


RESOLVED that application number 19/P2120 be GRANTED planning permission subject to conditions and S106 agreement.

Supporting documents: