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Agenda item

Emissions based parking charges consultation

Ben Stephens, Head of Parking Services


Cath James, Assistant Director of Public Protection, introduced the item and explained why Merton is consulting on changes to charges and why now. Introducing emissions based charging was always planned, but in the last consultation the proposed changes did not include emissions as the technology to deliver it was not available.


Covid-19 has meant that public transport not available so during the lockdown we saw a move nationally to encourage much more active travel. In outer London car use now at 150% of previous levels so this is an issue that still needs addressing. We have delayed this consultation due to lock down, as the proposal was originally agreed to go out to consultation in the spring.


The proposed approach builds on the previous consultation. We do not have control over vehicles passing through the borough so we know the proposals do not take into account movement of vehicles. However, it is important to take a proportionate approach to the tools we have.  


Ben Stephens, Head of Parking Services gave a presentation on the details of the proposals and the presentation is attached to this report. Ben explained that more than half of London boroughs either have or are introducing some form of emissions based charging. It is proposed that a supplementary charge based on the approach in the London ULEZ scheme will replace the current diesel levy. The consultation will remain open until 23 October 2020.

FOLLOWING THE MEETING: the consultation was extended to 26 October.


Cllr Daniel asked how many residents are going to be impacted in Mitcham and Wimbledon. Ben said that there 19,500 residents permits sold across Merton, the majority in Wimbledon, with many also in Colliers Wood and Raynes Park. There are fewer controlled zones in Mitcham. Cllr Holden also asked how the new charges compare to the rest of London. Ben said this is difficult to compare, as our rates vary and many boroughs are also reviewing their scales to take into account emissions.


A resident asked if this just going to penalise poor or elderly residents who cannot afford to buy newer cars. Cath James said we conducted a Equalities Impact Assessment before the consultation. We are currently consulting with key groups like Age UK, Citizens Advice to get their feedback. Emissions based is fairer and should nudge behaviour. There are no changes to blue badge or carers and discounted season tickets in car parks will stay.


A resident asked about charging cars parked on driveways and asking cyclists to contribute to the costs of active travel investment. Merton Council has limited powers, so can only address where we charge. We want to work with TfL to address through traffic but we do not currently have the powers. We are looking to invest in active travel but please add any other ideas to your response to the consultations.


A resident asked why were Civil Enforcement Officers considered essential working during lockdown. Ben replied that it was essential to keeping traffic flow so CEOs prioritised safety, disabled bays, and busy CPZs where space was needed for essential visitors.


Cll Joan Henry asked about enforcement of illegal pavement parking. Ben said if there is a problem in your road please let us know, contact details are available on our website.

Supporting documents: