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Agenda item

Dundonald Recreation Ground, Dundonald Road, Wimbledon, SW19 3QH

Application no. 19/P4183

Ward: Dundonald

Recommendation: REFUSE planning permission


RESOLVED that the application number 19/P4183 be DEFERRED pending further information.


Proposal: Erection of a temporary building to provide community space, Tennis Club and Café and erection of separate temporary toilet facilities.


The Committee noted the report and the plans presented by the Development Control Team Leader (North). The Committee also noted the modification sheet contained in the supplementary agenda. An update on various matters relating to the amendments was also provided to the Committee.


A resident had registered to speak, in support, to the proposed scheme, and at the request of the Chair, stated that the proposed scheme would benefit the community, and their health and wellbeing. The proposed facilities where residents could go out and meet with other people was much needed. This would provide a vibrant and healthy sense of community spirit and potentially reduce anti-social behaviour.


In response to Members’ questions and comments, the Development Control Team Leader (North) stated that it appreciated that this application took longer than expected to be progressed, however, it was prudent that the application was carefully considered given it was an open space, particularly, there would be a policy, in terms of, demonstrating the need for the building. Furthermore, consultation had been undertaken with the Green Space Manager.


Clarity was sought that the proposal would be a temporary building for five to seven years and would also be used for the wider community as well as the tennis club. Members’ requested further clarified from the Green Space Officer in terms of the use of the existing building.


In response to a Member’s question, The Development Control Team leader (North) informed the Committee that there had been no proposed restrictions in use of the building, therefore, potentially, the facilities could be used seven days a week.


Members’ raised concerns with regards to the temporary proposal, and deemed it to be inappropriate to the area. This was a Holocaust Remembrance Garden and believed it should remain in this way. Furthermore, the Rose Garden was unique and valuable to the community and wouldn’t wish it to be substandard in any way by a temporary building.


The Chair moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation to refuse the application, however, on being put to vote the motion was lost.


The Committee had requested to defer the application pending further information and a site visit.


RESOLVED that the application number 19/P4183 be DEFERRED, pending a site visit and further information.


(Councillor David Dean declared an interest in respect of this item.  He did not take part in the debate and did not vote)


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