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Agenda item

9A The Grange, Wimbledon, London, SW19 4PT

Application no. 20/P2882

Ward: Village

Recommendation: GRANT planning permission subject to conditions


RESOLVED that the application number 20/P2882 be GRANTED planning permission subject to conditions.


Proposal: Side and rear extension of existing building and single basement development to create two number of semi-detached houses by consolidate existing four flats into a single dwelling house and create a new unit to the side, partial demolition of existing building to the side and rear, front façade retention, full demolition of single storey garage and outbuilding.  New crossover and boundary was proposed.


The Committee noted the report and the plans presented by the Development Control Team Leader (North).


Two residents had registered to speak in objection to the proposed scheme, and at the request of the Chair, had raised a number of points, including:


·         concerns in relation to the impact of the conservation area, overdevelopment, immunity impact and loss of housing;

·         the proposal would irreversibly disrupt the established character significantly reduced the openness by closing important visual gaps;

·         loss of mature landscaped garden and further loss of traditional fruit gardens;

·         the proposal would fail to serve and enhance the heritage assets contrary to local policy, and in conflict areas specific areas of guidance;

·         the proposed scheme conflicts with basic planning policy, which was keen to keep visual green space between the houses.


The applicant’ agent had registered to speak, and at the request of the Chair, addressed the following points:


·         the applicant had worked collaboratively with officers over the last 18 months through a pre-application process, and submission of this planning application;

·         the proposal removes poorly designed rear and side extensions and would be replaced with a side extension that is significantly set back from the existing façade, which would be maintained;

·         In response to other objections, the officer had confirmed that the proposal would not unacceptably advance upon the neighbouring boundary line. Also, the development would remove garages and hardstanding and replace these with areas of soft landscaping, which would visually improve the character and appearance of the property;

·         the proposal would return to a family sized-unit, reflecting the area's prevailing property type, whilst also creating a new family home. The proposed design would be a sympathetic addition to a locally listed building and would be in keeping with the prevailing pattern of development in the conservation area.


Councillor Thomas Barlow (Ward Member for Village) had registered to speak and at the request of the Chair addressed number of key issues, including; the property was locally restricted in a conservation area and the proposed scheme could have a detrimental effect to the area. Contrary to Merton's local plan, and the London local plan was the loss of two units may seem a minor concern at the time of housing shortage this sets a dangerous precedent, as does the loss of garden space.


A Member raised concerns in relation to the building on the garden and the reduction in accommodation housing from four flats to one.


The Committee welcomed the proposal and considered the design and scale of the proposal to be acceptable.


The Chair moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation and it was


RESOLVED that the application number 20/P2882 be GRANTED planning permission, subject to conditions.


(The meeting was adjourned for a short break at 21:13 and resumed at 21:25)


Supporting documents: