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Agenda item

Post COVID Syndrome


Post COVID Syndrome


Long Covid


The GP Trainee – Merton presented the slides and gave an overview of

updates on estimates of managing long covid and updated the Board on emerging evidence relating to this.  The role of primary care in the management of long covid and the next steps. Some of the proposed next steps were to:


·         Continue to live with long COVID and the transitions to living with it

·         Champions raising awareness on vaccination intake

·         Participate in the review and complete NHS maturity matrix for fact finding

·         Conduct a Health and Equity Audit on Merton PCS Service, focussed on holistic responses and patients voice, identifying key actions for community case.


The GP Trainee touched on clinical definitions

·         These were reported as signs and symptoms of infections that developed before and after their onset, that are consistent with covid 19.


Anyone who had been infected with the Covid 19 virus, could have long term Covid.


Evidence of long covid


The Public Health Intelligence Specialist presented the report noting evidence and prevalence of long covid nationally and the specific demands for service. The modules based on prevalence were obtained from the ONS. The slides contained the numbers of those recorded as having long covid and their recorded genders. More data that would include information on diversity and relevance to Merton would be available in due course.


Estimated Prevalence Data



The NHS South West London CCG reported on the pathways and the slides showed the assessment services that can be signposted.  There had been a steady number of referrals, ranging from 20- 30 a week within Merton and Wandsworth.  Treatments were determined by symptoms. It was noted that there were more diagnoses than treatment reported. Patients were followed up to ensure they received the service they needed. It’s at primary care that patients present.

Staff are employed to manage cases and specialist staff are required however funding is dependent on the program.

There will follow treatment depending on what symptoms present. i.e. brain fog, fatigue.  Patients are followed up after 2 weeks to ensure needs are being met. The slide showed the role of service primary care presented.  GPs refer patients to the service to monitor.

Skilled staff are required to support the service and manage the service The Locality Executive Director Merton and Wandsworth touched on the difficulty in funding. Skilled workers are difficult to find if security is not present.


Estimate, Uncertainty on Long Covid and Challenges


The Locality Executive Director Merton and Wandsworth presented the slides on the next steps as follows:


·         Putting plans in place Long covid

·          Vaccination Champions to be used to raise awareness

·          Services including therapeutics

·         Peer reviews

·         Matrix and case finding. Including what HWBB sub- group had achieved


The Locality Executive Director Merton and Wandsworth advised to conduct health equity service to support people to access service.

HWBB Merton is functional and Merton Care together to carry on governance

Focussed on long covid and putting plans in place.  Next step to participate in case finding and reaching into the peer reviews. To Conduct a health



Subgroup commented on the importance of ensuring that communities which had high infection rates got the services required to manage these vaccinations on long covid.  Counting on the volunteering sector, supporting people in their jobs, the aim is to bring in a wider perspective.



The Head of Strategic Commissioning responded to comments from the sub-group, advising that communities would benefit from the structures, by screening and signposting and added that funding would go to the voluntary sector.



The Chair thanked all involved for their efforts and achievements for the duration of the pandemic and as the country was moving into the “new normal”.




Supporting documents: