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Election results for Pollards Hill

Local Elections - Thursday 22 May 2014

Pollards Hill - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Joan Henry Labour Party 2195 27% Elected
Jeff Hanna Labour Party 2148 26% Elected
Martin Whelton Labour Party 2135 26% Elected
Bob Grahame UK Independence Party (UKIP) 498 6%
Robert Giles Conservative Party 399 5%
Jay Crush Conservative Party 382 5%
Imran Kali Conservative Party 290 4%
Stephen Harbron Liberal Democrat 163 2%
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 8210
Electorate 7984
Number of ballot papers issued 3037
Number of ballot papers rejected 8
Turnout 38%
Share of the votes (%)
Joan Henry 27% Elected
Jeff Hanna 26% Elected
Martin Whelton 26% Elected
Bob Grahame 6%
Robert Giles 5%
Jay Crush 5%
Imran Kali 4%
Stephen Harbron 2%
Rejected ballot papers
Unmarked or void for uncertainty5
Voting for more than stipulated number of candidates3
Total rejected8