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Election results for Ravensbury

Local Elections - Thursday 3 May 2018

Ravensbury - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Stephen Alambritis Labour Party 1892 24% Elected
Natasha Dawn Irons Labour Party 1793 22% Elected
Peter Joseph McCabe Labour Party 1742 22% Elected
Anton Gjeta Conservative Party 354 4%
Henry Richard Lennox Nelless Conservative Party 353 4%
Daniel Jon Page Conservative Party 328 4%
Mark Gale Independent 303 4%
Christopher Michael Holt Independent 279 3%
Tracy Wilson Independent 254 3%
Thomas Killick Green Party 187 2%
Somayeh Aghnia Liberal Democrat 148 2%
Terry Sullivan UK Independence Party (UKIP) 143 2%
Amanda Jane Harvey Liberal Democrat 137 2%
Richard Arthur Shillito Liberal Democrat 107 1%
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 8020
Electorate 7615
Number of ballot papers issued 2797
Number of ballot papers rejected 4
Turnout 37%
Share of the votes (%)
Stephen Alambritis 24% Elected
Natasha Dawn Irons 22% Elected
Peter Joseph McCabe 22% Elected
Anton Gjeta 4%
Henry Richard Lennox Nelless 4%
Daniel Jon Page 4%
Mark Gale 4%
Christopher Michael Holt 3%
Tracy Wilson 3%
Thomas Killick 2%
Somayeh Aghnia 2%
Terry Sullivan 2%
Amanda Jane Harvey 2%
Richard Arthur Shillito 1%
Rejected ballot papers
Unmarked or void for uncertainty3
Voting for more than stipulated number of candidates1
Total rejected4